PREGNANT AT 90; SENIOR CITIZEN GIVES BIRTH!Every woman knows about the “biological clock.” As women age, the reproductive system becomes less robust with each passing childbearing...
HURRICANE MYSTERIOUSLY VANISHESHave you ever been though a natural disaster? If you haven’t, thank merciful God. But if you have, you understand the level of dread...
CORPSE ESCAPES OWN GRAVE!No doubt a headline like this would have us doing a double-take. The undead...walking among us? It defies logic. It's an impossibility....
ANIMAL SPEAKS!It shouldn’t surprise us that at one time, animals and humans were able to converse freely. Before the Fall, the Bible tells us that Eve...
BIRDS PELT MAN WITH HAMBURGERS!One of the reasons many of us disobey or ignore God’s wishes is because we perceive there are unpleasant—even harrowing—consequences to...